Tomma Abts is a German painter known for her abstract and geometric works that explore the relationship between form, color, and space. She was born in Kiel, Germany in 1967, and currently lives and works in London, England.

Abts studied at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin from 1988 to 1995, and later attended the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf from 1995 to 1997. She has exhibited extensively throughout Europe and the United States, and has been the recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Turner Prize in 2006.

Abts’ paintings are characterized by their use of intricate geometric patterns and vibrant, often unexpected color combinations. She typically works on small to medium-sized canvases, and each work is the result of a meticulous process of layering and refining shapes and colors.

Despite their abstract nature, Abts paintings often suggest an underlying sense of structure and order. The shapes and colors are carefully balanced and arranged to create a sense of harmony and balance, while also inviting the viewer to engage in a playful and imaginative exploration of the work.

Abts work has been widely praised for its precision and subtlety, as well as its ability to evoke a range of emotional and intellectual responses from the viewer. She continues to be one of the most highly regarded contemporary painters working today.

How is Tomma Abts art classified?

Tomma Abts art is classified as abstract and geometric. Her paintings consist of complex geometric patterns that are meticulously executed with a precise attention to detail. Abts work often features bright, unexpected color combinations that add to the dynamic quality of the composition. While her works are abstract, they suggest an underlying sense of order and structure, inviting the viewer to engage in a contemplative exploration of the work. Abts is known for working on small to medium-sized canvases, creating intimate and intricate compositions that are highly regarded in the contemporary art world.

What are the different forms of Tomma Abts art?

Tomma Abts is primarily known for her paintings, which are created through a meticulous process of layering and refining shapes and colors. Her paintings are typically created on small to medium-sized canvases and feature complex geometric patterns and vibrant, unexpected color combinations.

In addition to painting, Abts has also created works on paper, including etchings and lithographs. These works share many of the same qualities as her paintings, with an emphasis on precise geometric forms and vibrant color combinations.

Abts has also created sculptures, although these works are less well-known than her paintings and works on paper. Her sculptures are typically composed of simple geometric forms, such as spheres or cylinders, arranged in carefully considered relationships to one another.

Overall, Abts work is characterized by a rigorous attention to detail and a fascination with the interplay between form, color, and space. Her work spans a range of media and formats, but is united by a consistent focus on precise geometric patterns and vivid, unexpected color combinations.

What is the value of Tomma Abts artwork?

The value of Tomma Abts artwork varies depending on various factors, including the specific work, its size, condition, provenance, and the current art market conditions.

According to artnet Price Database, Abts artworks have sold at auction for prices ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, with the highest price achieved being over $1 million.

Abts is a highly regarded artist who has won numerous awards and is widely exhibited in galleries and museums around the world. Her works are in the collections of major institutions, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Tate Modern in London.

As with all contemporary artists, the value of Abts artwork is subject to fluctuations in the art market and the demand for her work. However, given her critical acclaim and the quality of her work, her artworks are generally considered to be a good investment for collectors and art enthusiasts.

What works of art can Tomma Abts paintings be compared to?

Tomma Abts paintings are unique in their intricate compositions and precise geometric patterns, but they can be compared to the work of other artists who share similar interests in form, color, and space.

Some artists whose work can be compared to Abts include:

  • Kazimir Malevich: Malevich was a Russian painter known for his abstract compositions, particularly his use of geometric forms and his interest in the spiritual potential of art. Abts’ paintings similarly emphasize the interplay of geometric shapes and the way they interact with the surrounding space.
  • Bridget Riley: Riley is a British painter who is associated with the Op Art movement. Her work explores the optical effects of color and form, with an emphasis on patterns and geometric shapes. Abts’ paintings similarly use geometric forms to create dynamic visual effects.
  • Ellsworth Kelly: Kelly was an American painter and sculptor known for his minimalist approach to art. His work often emphasized simple geometric shapes and bright, primary colors. Abts’ paintings share Kelly’s interest in geometric forms, but are more complex and layered in their compositions.
  • Josef Albers: Albers was a German-American artist known for his work with color and his interest in the interaction of colors with one another. Abts similarly uses color in unexpected and dynamic ways, creating compositions that are both harmonious and visually striking.

While Abts paintings are unique in their approach, they can be compared to the work of other artists who similarly explore the interplay of form, color, and space.

What are Tomma Abts most popular works of art?

Tomma Abts has created many highly regarded works of art throughout her career, and her paintings are highly sought after by collectors and museums. Some of her most popular works include:

  • “Grill” (2007): This painting, which won Abts the prestigious Turner Prize in 2006, features a complex composition of interlocking geometric shapes and bold, contrasting colors.
  • “Shifra” (2009): This painting is composed of a series of concentric circles that create a sense of depth and movement, with an overall effect that is both dynamic and meditative.
  • “Fegs” (2016): This painting features a series of overlapping, irregular shapes that create a sense of tension and movement, while also suggesting an underlying sense of order and structure.
  • “Groke” (2008): This painting features a series of geometric shapes that are arranged in a complex, interlocking pattern. The use of contrasting colors and subtle variations in form create a sense of depth and complexity.
  • “Mopsy” (2011): This painting is composed of a series of irregular shapes that are arranged in a loose grid, creating a sense of movement and fluidity.

These are just a few examples of Abts highly regarded works, which are celebrated for their intricate compositions, vibrant color combinations, and precise attention to detail.

How can Tomma Abts works of art be briefly characterized?

Tomma Abts works of art can be briefly characterized as intricate, precise, and vibrant. Her paintings feature complex geometric patterns and unexpected color combinations, created through a meticulous process of layering and refining. The resulting compositions are dynamic and visually striking, with a sense of tension and movement created by the interplay of form and color. Abts works are celebrated for their attention to detail and the way they invite the viewer to explore their intricate compositions.